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2 Week Unit -- Condensed


Only have space for a short Creative Writing unit?

Or looking for an extension unit, summer school, or more?

Then, Let's write a TV show together!

***Look after the whole unit for extensions***


Students will learn skills in order to complete the final Project. The Final Project is as Follows:

Students will be responsible for 1 of the following

  1. A 10 page story that takes you through an episode. This would be written like a story.

  2. A 15-20 Page Screenplay for an episode. This is written in screenplay format thus the longer amount.

  3. A 19 Page (multiple panels per page) graphic novel of one episode.

The episode must have a beginning, middle, and end. The plot of the episode is determined by you.

Complete Slide deck can be found HERE

The above powerpoint will take you through Do Nows, Discussion, Mini-lessons, and production for the entire unit.

Day 1:

Lesson Targets

I will learn how to create round characters.

I can develop a character that is round.

I can tell the difference between a round and a flat character.

Entry Task:

Write about one of the days of the week as if they were a person.

Discuss as a group or have students turn and talk.

Discuss difference between Round V. Flat Characters

Read Article about Character


Fill out Character Profile Sheet


Lesson Targets

I will learn how to create a plot with a beginning middle and end.

I can explain the different parts of a plot.

I can use my characters to create a plot for a TV episode.

Entry task: Make a bullet point list of the plot of your favorite movie/book.


How are the plots of a movie/book and a TV show different and similar?

How are the plots of a TV show season and a TV episode similar or different.

What should be in a plot? What are the parts of a plot.

Using your characters from last time, create a plot for the TV season


1 individual episode of your TV show

Day 3

Lesson Targets:

I will learn about different forms of writing.

I can discuss the challenges and benefits of at least 3 different types of writing.

I can choose a type of writing to pursue.

Discuss: Type of writing

Challenges and Benefits to

-Narrative Prose

-Screen Play

-Graphic Novel

Begin writing on your episode within your chosen style of writing.

Day 4:

Lesson Targets:

I will learn about different forms of writing I will learn to use showing and not telling to deepen meaning for my writing.

I can explain the difference between showing and telling.

I can use detail to show in my own writing.

Entry task: Use displayed picture to write a detailed description

Discuss: Share with the group or a partner.

What is the difference between showing and telling?

How can you show and tell in different genres

Work on your TV episode keeping showing and telling in mind.

Day 5

Lesson Targets:

I will learn to differentiate my character voices.

I can explain how an author makes character voices individualized.

I can create dialogue with my own individualized characters.

Entry task:

Write a short conversation between multiple characters in your story.

Display Dialogue rules /Self correct your example

Discuss how to make dialogue sound realistic and differentiated

Include dialogue within your writing today.

Day 6

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how to deepen my world building skills.

I can explain what world building means.

I can add at least 3 details to my work that allow for world bending.

Entry task: Write as many details about the world/city/place the TV episode is taking place in


What is world building?

Why is important?

Continue working on your TV episode make sure to include multiple pieces of world building.

Day 7

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how to deal with writer's block.

I can explain at least 2 strategies for combating writers block.

I can employ at least 1 strategy to combat writers' block.

Entry task: What ways can you think of to combat writer's block?

Discuss: Have students share answer with the group or in partners.

Introduce list of strategies and discuss them.

Try at least one strategy today while writing.

Day 8

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how to practice my creative writing skills outside of class.

I can set a goal for practicing my skills

I can explain at least 2 strategies for practicing skills.

Entry task: How can you continue to work on your writing skills outside of this class.

Discuss as a class or with partners

Make a list of ways to continue to practice writing.

Have students set a goal for their writing practice.

Work on their episode. (This can count as part of their goal)

Day 9

Lesson Targets

I will learn how to use mentor texts to improve my own writing.

I can point out author moves within mentor texts.

I can use the author texts to inspire my own writing.

Entry Task: The number one advice authors give to new writers is to read as much as possible. Why do you think this is?

Discuss answers

Choose a mentor text. Students should read at least 5 pages of the text.

*Due to copyright issues I will not post mentor texts*

What strategies does this author use?

What is a strategy you are going to try in your writing today?

Continue working on your episode and use a strategy from mentor texts.

Day 10

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how to revise my own work.

I can analyze my writing for areas of strength and growth.

I can find alternate ways of expressing information.

Entry task:

Read through your writing! Mark your four favorite places in your writing.

(highlighter, sticky notes, etc.)


What is the difference between editing and revising?

Use a mentor text to discuss revising.

*Example created by me for this education purpose and I am giving use to use as an educational reason*

Revise three segments of your writing and then continue on your episode.

Day 11

I will learn how to revise using a peer group.

I can give helpful, supportive, objective feedback to a peer.

I can receive helpful, supportive, objective feedback from a peer.

Entry task: Write down a question you would like someone to answer about your writing.

Discuss: What does it mean to be a good critique partner?

Why is it an important part of writing to give feedback.

Read a peer's work and give HSO feedback.

Revise based off of feedback

and continue working on project

Day 12

I will learn how to improve my focus for writing.

I can increase my writing stamina by five minutes

I can use multiple strategies for writing while increasing stamina

Entry task: How long do you think you can write without taking a break (checking your phone, switching tabs, etc.)

Discuss: What helps you focus?

Use timers for writing stamina.

Day 13

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how works get published.

I can describe two ways that a written work gets published.

I can explain at least two jobs in the publishing industry.

Entry task: How do you think a work gets published?

Read sheets on summary of publishing journey and publishing jobs. Can be done as a jig saw.

Put final touches on episodes.

Day 14

Lesson Targets:

I will learn how to participate in an author's reading.

I can share my own work

I can give feedback to other's work.

Entry task: Students decide what part they will be reading. (at least 1 page)

Students share work and give feedback to others as they share.

*****Need to help students get in the swing of creating a plot first? Introduce the unit with these worksheets.

Check out more Teaching tips and resources in the rest of my blog!

Let me know how this unit goes or if you have any questions!

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